Jez DJ


that's enough about me...

Jez Taylor was born in Wallingford, AKA St. Mary Mead, on the 11th January 1969

Did life in Wallingford make you happy?
I can safely say that it did not
My only consolation is that
I wasn’t born in Didcot.

He studied French and Greek and Roman Studies at Exeter University, as did JK Rowling. Sadly, all similarities between the two end there.
After a period of reflection, i.e. signing on, he fell into his current role as youth theatre director. He has written and co-written numerous musicals and hundreds of songs. After a number of unsuccessful relationships...

She had the manners and tics of a lady
She even lent me her jacket which was suedey
But the lumps in my cocoa persisted longer than we did

...he moved in with Amy, who, after 30 years of tolerating him, is surely due some kind of medal.

Jez has been writing poems all his life, so interested parties can expect his second publication in 2069.

He is a regular performer with Comedy Suits, based in Sandford, Devon.

He is currently addressing a childhood fear of spiders, and is considering a course of Tarantula Armpit Therapy.

Bolder Books

All text copyright Jez Taylor 2015. Ilustrations copyright Imogen Shaw 2014.